Thursday, January 14, 2010

Too Late

I was just about ready to do a True Confessions entry on how my Christmas tree was still up and how I had AbSoLuTeLy no intention of taking it down anytime plugging the tree in and seeing its cozy, warm glow makes getting up at the DreAdFuL hour of six a.m. a little less painful, etc....

When much to my SuRpRiSe my love met me at the door on Tuesday, our tree in hand, hauling it to be disposed of in a location that shall remain UnDiScLoSeD (I'll simply say that I am a rule follower...Mr. Bailey is not ;)). It should also be noted that the tree was still wrapped in LiGhTs while it was headed for destruction! The scene was quite hilarious...scads of pine needles and ornaments everywhere...I must have said something to the effect of "No! I can't believe it's over...our tree, our beautiful tree!" about ten times...

I so wish I had a picture of Dan carrying our light adorned tree out of this place...such DeTeRmInAtiOn!

At any rate...after all of that I'm afraid I still have a true confession to make...

We haven't sat on our couch all week... I just can't bring myself to pack up those lovely ornaments...

1 comment:

  1. we just took our tree down saturday. of course, it was artificial, and only 4 feet tall. it probably could have stayed up until March, like last year, but we wanted to move the furniture back where it was :)
