Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Socks vs. Me...

I took this picture earlier this week in an attempt to EmPaThIzE with one of my Blogger/Facebook Buddies...You know who you are :)

I dedicate this post to you and anyone else who continually BaTtLeS the infamous sock BrIgAdE that is an ever present ThReaT to the organization and cleanliness of my home and many others throughout the world...

How is it that the SoCkS never cease to DeFeAt me and ObLiTeRaTe any sense of order I strive to maintain?....How is it that every week I throw up my hands in SuRrEnDer as the SoCkS overtake my life?...

Perhaps it is one of those MysTeRiEs in life too great for me to ever CoMpReHeNd...How is it that the socks AlwAyS win?...


  1. Katie - I must see the infamous sock pile in person, I cannot believe the socks would win for more than a short period of time. Will they still be there in a week? Two weeks? Three weeks?

  2. Was it Dan who postd this today? Socks are a perfectionists greatest test. I say, just give in. live in reckless abandon and throw them all in the "Sock drawer" like I do. I pick what I need each morning. And ya' know what, I don't even care if they match. (well, some days I need them to match, for work) but generally, I don't care. It's quite liberating. try it.

  3. clever ones, those socks. here in my home they also plot against me by deciding to play hide and seek from one another. some of the twins decide it will really make my day if they hide elsewhere while the mate gets washed, cleaned, and put away. well, fine. they can remain dirty and crumpled in the corner if that's what they want...

  4. Katie, I know about sock trauma. Mismatched socks have been the bane of my existence for 2 decades. After years of fighting the sock thing, I have stumbled onto a method that works for me. I throw socks with no mate into a basket. If they stay there for more than a few weeks, I throw them away. Yes...just throw in the trash.

    I have also been know to throw out everyone's white athletic socks at the beginning of the year and buy new ones. I'm considering making it a New Year's Day tradition...a trip to Target to buy all new white, nicely paired socks for the entire family.
