Sunday, September 13, 2009

The other day Dan and I were at the StUpE having ice cream. For those of you who didn't go to WhEaToN, the Stupe is ThE place to go for IcE CrEaM. We decided to stop there and reminisce for a bit after ringing the tower bell (more on that later)...

We forgot that when you say one scoop at the Stupe, it's really the equivalent of three. Neither of us could finish our mound of ice cream, but as our cups were sitting there, Dan decided to use them as an IlLuStRaTiOn of us.

He grabbed the camera and started taking pictures of the cups. I thought he was documenting the ridiculous amount of ice cream left after we had eaten a good amount but, I was wrong. He remarked that looking at our ice cream cups said a lot about us and our differences. I then took a closer look at this:

I've marveled recently at how much easier it seems for Dan to lose weight than it is for myself. So naturally at first glance, I thought he was pointing out that I had ScARFfeD down more ice cream than him. Thus proving the point that I have far less WiLl PoWeR. All of this is true, but it wasn't his point. He directed me to look closer still...

HiS cup...

My cup...

I still can't figure out how this stuff seems to happen to me or better yet how I'm completely OblIvIouS to it, but I'm so grateful I have a perfectly CiViLiseD husband to point out that I'm a ComPleTe SloB!

It's a good thing he also shares in my ApPreCiaTioN for SiTuAtioNaL CoMeDy...Otherwise I don't know how he'd put up with his DiSaStEr of a wife!


  1. does your husband ever say to you "you're a mess"? ;)

  2. ps- i'm just wondering, because mine does to me... :)
    pss- that ice cream looks delicious...

  3. umm...yes...all the time! I have better things to do with my life than be clean :) Priorities people!
