Wednesday, September 9, 2009

just a thought...

Have you ever been on your way to a friend's house, family get together, church, etc. and gotten into a BiG FiGhT with the husband? I hate when that happens. You get to your destination and put on your HaPpY FaCe for the sake of those around you, but inside you are BuRnInG.

Well, tonight as I watched MrS. ObaMa admire her husband's enterance, I wondered if her and the President ever get into ArGuMenTs on the way to CaPiToL HiLl. It's silly I know, but I know it happens to everyone else so why not the FiRsT LaDy?! I wonder how she does it. How does she watch as the WoRlD admires her husband and goes BoNkErS over the man who quite possibly just got UnDeR her SkIn.

What strength it must take to stay composed as the cameras zoom in on her every expression. I salute you MiCheLle ObAmA for your grace and's hard enough at church. I don't know how you do it in front of the entire PlaNeT. Just a thought...

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