Monday, September 21, 2009

Ode to Christopher...

How I LoVe thee my BrOthEr dearest...Let me count the ways...A list of TeN things that make me GrAteFuL to call you BrOtHeR on this day of your birth and every day of the year...

Number 1: You're the only person in the world that I continually catch UnaShAmeDly checking themselves out in the mirror. I can't blame come from a GoOd LoOkIn' family...

Number 2: Even though you sometimes implement ToRtuRe TaCtiCs, you still remain, in my opinion, an InCrEdiBle UnCle. I secretly can't wait to watch you work your MaGiC on my own children one day.
Number 3: You're really CoOl...SeRiOuSly...what were you thinking bringing along your sixth grader sister to the CrAnBeRriEs CoNcErT when you were a college kid? Did you know that was my first concert ever?...I'm glad I get to forever share that memory with you. I never hear DrEaMs without thinking of you my BrOtHeR.

Number 4: One time when I lost a FrIeNd you were the OnE who came to be with me. You put aside your busy schedule to be a BiG BrOtheR. Thanks for just being there. I know others in the family would say the same...

Number 5: As you know FoOd is of the UtmOsT importance in our FaMiLy, and I have to say you do your fair share of CoNtrIbuTiNg to the PaLlaTe PleAsInG meals at our gatherings...give me some of that SwEeT ChiLi !

Number 6: You are the SloWeSt eater on the face of the PlaNeT...I love that I can FoReVeR make fun of you for that :)

Number 7: You picked a RoCkiN' wife...seriously, I'm so thankful you chose ChRiStiNe. She fits in PeRfeCtlY with the Family, and I think she is HiLaRiOuS, CrEaTiVe, FuN, and CaRiNg...all essentials if you ask me.

Number 8: Basically you've always been one of my FaVoRiTe people to HuG. Thanks for putting up with me even in my most AfFeCtiOnAtE of moods.

Number 9: You truly CaRe about and LoVe each member of our family, and you ShoW it. You are one of the best LiSteNeRs I know, and I AdmIrE you for the way you take time to get to know and care about each one of us. You always make sure we have some QuAliTy talk time when we are together. I really VaLuE that time with YoU.

And FiNaLly Number 10: You put up with StuFf like my MaRiaH CaReY AlL I WaNt for ChRisTmaS song and dance...

and ThiS...

...I can't forget to mention ThiS...

...somehow you're even managing to put up with ThiS...

and EvEn this...

Yet at the end of the day you somehow manage to LovE us're the BeSt. Thank you for being such an InCreDiBle brother to me throughout the years. I'm grateful for the opportunity to CeLeBraTe you on this day.

I love you Christopher,

Katie Did

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