Saturday, September 19, 2009

Still in Shock

It's Saturday morning, I wake up, and Dan is already over at church starting his day. I pull myself together just in time to deposit checks at the bank before heading to watch one of my FifTh GrAdeRs bowl.
This weekend happens to be rather full so I'm wondering how I'm going to fit everything in as well as relax, clean the house, grocery shop, make meals, etc.
As I watch fifth graders get BoWliNg scores I will never in my life achieve, the smell of bowling alley food tempts me. Somehow I resist the GrEaSe BoMbaStiC food even though the only thing I can imagine throwing together at home is a microwaved/baked potato with cheese, broccoli and deli ham...TeMpTiNg, I know.
After being a cheerleader for three rounds of bowling, I say goodbye and take my growling stomach to the car and begin not looking forward to my sink full of dirty dishes and my throw whatever we've got on a potato because we haven't been to the store in awhile lunch.
As you can imagine I was thrown into a total state of shock as I walked into our house and smelled something DeLiCioUs...then I remembered we live below Mark and Kora so it was probably their something delicious I was smelling...
Dan was standing at the sink WaShInG the DisHeS that I was dreading only moments ago so I decided to expect the best and ask what he made that smelled SO good. You must understand that Dan's specialties usually include deli sandwiches, BLTs, and breakfast so when he proudly said, "I made a YuMmY ThAi DiSh" my jaw just about dropped to the floor. I couldn't imagine anything I would rather have for lunch at that moment, but I had to see it to believe it...
It turns out he DiD indeed make a yummy Thai dish! Not only did he make lunch, he actually went online and found a recipe for pad Thai and tweaked it a bit because of our lack of groceries...Even as I sit here with a FuLl BeLly I still can't believe it...what a PleAsAnT surprise...even if Dan says it was really more for him than me...I'll still take it.


  1. Katie-Bailey, that's a good man you got there. A good man, indeed.

    It has happened on too many occasions than I'd like to admit to in the DeLano house that I have come home from work and found Rob just finishing up on the mound of dishes that were piled in sink and spilling over onto counter--that had been sitting there for a few days, waiting for me to follow through with my intention to "do them tonight, I promise." This story warmed my heart. We are both blessed with good men.

  2. What can I say? She deserves it.
