Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Long Overdue Birthday Present for You Thresa!

Here are 5 attempts at poetry to HoNoR one who ApPreCiaTeS a good LiTerArY work...Though your BiRthDaY was a bit ago, and I am delinquent in posting this PrEsEnT, I hope you will enjoy hearing some of the many ways your life has AdDeD to mine as much as I enjoyed thinking about it!

Poem #1: NaMe PoEm

Thank you for noticing my early TV obsession,
kicking my BuTt off the couch,
and taking me to many a DaNciNg LesSoN.

Home Make-Overs are your specialty.
From FaIrIeS, and PoEmS to BaRbiEs, I adore all of the rooms
you have created especially for me.

Restaurants like Pappasito's and Beverly Hills Cafe are some of our favorite places.
Thank you dear Thresa for giving me a LoVe of delicious cuisine
and FoOd RuLes to follow while StuFfiNg our faces!

Each ChRiStmAs is filled with MaGiCaL fun.
From the PiNbaLl MaChInE to the MaRshMaLloW guns,
when you're around, there's always a SpEcIaL gift for everyone.
Suggesting spectacular MoViEs and BoOkS could be your profession.
Without you in our lives,
we would surely not have such an incredible LiTeRaTuRe collection.
All of these things and many more that you do,
make it a joy to love and appreciate you!

Poem #2: CinQuAin


creative, thoughtful,

giving, learning, uniting,

welcome, surprised, amused, known


Poem #3: HaiKu
The following Haiku addresses a deeper human experience as Haiku's often do. For this Haiku, I've chosen a human experience that Thresa has perfected: ShOpPiNg

ShoPpiNg for DreSsEs

SpArKleS and BloSsOmS abound

PrInCeSs you make me

Thank you Thresa for the many times you have used your ExPeRtiSe to help the WarDroBe of myself and many others! When I wrote this poem, I was thinking specifically about the time you helped me buy my dress for my JuNiOr PrOm...I felt like a PriNceSs, and it was in that dress, that my PriNcE ChaRmInG began to sweep me off of my feet!

Poem #4: A DiAmAnTe of two of my favorite memories with you!


magical, cultural

exploring , shopping, wandering

Broadway, Christmas, Ribbons, Blossoms

twirling, enchanting, sparkling,

princess, pink


Poem #5: LimEricK

Several of my AbSoLuTe favorite things to eat in this world are prepared by the one and only you! For those who haven't tried these DeLiGhTs, I can assure you my attempt at poetry does not do them the justice they deserve...you just have to taste 'em to experience the full pleasure they bring to the palate!

Your chocolate chip cookies are second to none

Multiple chips in my mouth oh such fun!

That white chicken chili

Makes taste buds go silly.

I just can't bear saying, "All done."
The End
There you have it! FiVe poems all about YOU! There may or may not be a significance to the number five...I'll never tell! But for the final time until next May I wish you a very Happy Birthday Thresa! Thank you for all of the wonderful ways you have blessed me and many others in your life thus far, and I wish you many more years to come!
Love you,


  1. very cute! i love that picture! very pretty. i also love the "video" song on your player. it reminds me of my sister rachel, she loves that song and used to play it at home while we were getting ready for school :)

    pretty much you get an a for blogging today! or a gold star....

  2. Sister K, you are so thoughtful, I enjoyed reading all of your poems about Thresa, I feel like I know her a bit now! Love you and miss you. K

  3. Thank you friends!
    Marzy, thank you for the gold star...I really needed it since for the month of July I was earning a BIG, FAT ZERO for blogging!
    And Ashleigh...thank you for the compliment! Now if I could only be creative in a timely manner! I started this post at the end of May, but the creativity component was a bit overwhelming. Thus, I did not finish until now...and I posted nothing else during that time because I couldn't bring myself to do it until I finished this one! Aye, yi, yi!!
    And sister K...I'm honored to have a comment from you on the blog...one of my hopes in doing these birthday tributes is to introduce the important people in my life to the other important people in my life...now you'll have background knowledge if I ever mention Thresa to you! You're so sweet!
    Thanks again friends!
