Sunday, June 28, 2009

These are my People...

So there's this country song that goes something like, "These are my people, this is where I come ain't always PrEtTy, but it's ReaL....wouldn't have it any other way"...

I think we can all relate to the fact that when FaMiLy gets together, BiZzArE things happen...

I recently had the pleasure of visiting some of my family, and of course my camera was working overtime! To keep it InTeReStiNg...or at least EnTerTaInInG for me...I've decided to share the photos and stories that aren't the PrEttieSt of the bunch and may seem a bit UnConVeNtiOnAl , but they fill me with TeNdeRnEsS for my family and GrAtItuDe that ThEsE are My PeOpLe...

#1 Photo Op. in a hotel lobby whose name will remain anonymous...

These are my people invading a hotel lobby full of plush chairs and plenty of space for our big group...what the picture doesn't tell you one in my family was actually staying at said hotel! Of course I made this known to everyone as they joined our party. They would see the drinks and say "at least we're buying drinks"...I would then point to SoMeOnE's purse...not naming any names here...and they would laugh as they glimpsed the wine bottle inside...ThEsE are my PeOpLe...
#2 The Topsy Turvy

This is an upside down tomato plant. If you're like Dan and me, you've seen commercials for these things and guffawed and thought, "who buys these things"?! You can imagine my AsTonIsHmEnT to find this dying tomato experiment in my Grandparents' backyard...You can also imagine the entertainment I found in watching this:
It took three men from my family to move this baby to a place where it could get more they're doing this, of course I'm wondering "do you ReALly think that what an UpSiDe DowN tomato plant needs is sun?" I sincerely hope the BeSt for Grandpa's tomato plant, but if nothing else, it was worth a GoOd LaUgH...

#3 My People love DeSseRt...we come by it naturally...

Grandpa loves when everyone comes to visit because he gets some extra SwEeTs...This picture epitomizes my grandma and grandpa...I love them to pieces!

#4 Sometimes I like to HaRaSs my people...actually I'm known for it. A few examples:

Forcing my mom and grandma to HuMoR me by taking this day they'll thank me for it...pretty darn CuTe if you ask me!

Playing paparazzi to my Uncle Dave as he tries to enjoy his meal...My people really AdOrE me even though they sometimes tell me to "Get outta here" can clearly see the LoVe in his eyes...

#5 My People also enjoy HaRaSsiNg me... Oh cousin Deirek...I know you love me just cant' stay away from me...

Thank you cousin Colby for stealing my camera and taking completely PoIntLesS and somewhat DiStuRbiNg pictures of food and such...
I know the ArTisTiC GeNiUs of the above macaroni and cheese shot is a lot to handle so I will spare anyone who has made it this far in this post the other masterpieces from the day...

If you're still with me on this post, don't worry, I'm done with silly AnEcdOteS from my most recent visit...but I'd like to end by sharing my FaVoRitE thing about my people... My people LoVe and LaUgH a lot...ThEsE are my PeOpLe...and I LoVe 'em for it!

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