Monday, May 4, 2009

Perfect Timing

It's that time of year...

warm weather + one more month of school + a full year of learning/creating curriculum for a new grade level + 27 kids who know summer is near = Though I AdOrE my little darlings, I'm ready for a change of pace...Bring on the gardening, sleeping-in, and good books!

It's that time of year...

The PeRfEcT time of year to find this in my school mailbox on MoNdaY morning:

It's the time of year when SwEeT fifth grade darlings, OvErCoMe by warm weather and the prospect of summer, seem at times to be more interested in AnYtHiNg but their teacher and her CrEaTiVe lessons. It's the PeRfEcT time to know they were thinking of their teacher on the way to least long enough to stop and pick these...

It's the PeRfEcT TiMe to have SwEeT DaIsIes beside the stacks of homework waiting to be graded...

I LoVe my JoB. The InCrEdIBle KiDs I teach are more than enough to give me JoY in what I do, but it never hurts to have lovely FloWeRs on your desk...KuDoS to the SpRiNg TrAiL PTO, my students and their wonderful parents...PeRfEcT timing.

1 comment:

  1. aww that's so cute! i am not surprised to see that you are a teacher! i bet you have a lot of fun with the kids and they probably enjoy having you as a teacher...
