Saturday, August 3, 2019

Z-Cakes: 2 Months

We've never had a baby like Zina before: double chin, chubby legs and cheeks, a legit tummy and sleeping through the night at two months. I think we'll keep her...

She's still putting on her tough girl act for most of the day, but we have had a few smiles and coo-conversations throughout the month. Zina is not a snuggle baby. She constantly lifts her head up while being held and wants to face out. 
Her first conversation was a sweet moment for the whole family. Daddy had her on our bed, and all of the kids were gathered around in jammies. She was smiling and cooing away as Daddy told her "I gonna roll you in da butta', put on the cinnamon suga', and then gobble you up. 

Her favorite places are her bouncy seat, right next to mommy, and lying on the bed watching the fan whir above. Her big brother loves to hover, and she tolerates him at best. She is one loved little lady with more kisses in one day than you could count. Her two big sisters keep her fashionably dressed and help bounce her and bring her whatever mommy says she needs.
This month Zina was a good girl in the carrier for an afternoon of blueberry picking and slept in her stroller for our entire county fair outing. What a good girl!

New nicknames and jingles include: Squirt, jelly fish-she stings!, Z-Z in the sky with diamonds.

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