Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Z-Cakes: One Month

We have a theory about our Mad Lady Z. One month ago when the stork was ready to drop her off, she fought hard to stay away from us so he bit her extra hard. She's still mad about it and keeps trying to phone home without any success. We keep telling her she's here to stay, but she's not so convinced. :)
This is mostly her Daddy's humor to explain her mask of "angel kisses" or "stork bites", the fact that he thinks she looks a little like an alien (a very cute alien) at times, her mad disposition that is most of the time when she's awake and not eating, and her propensity to lift her little index fingers like E.T.

Zina Kate was born our smallest baby but might be the fastest growing. The doctor was very impressed with her nearly one pound weight gain at her first appointment and commented more than once about her beautiful color. She's killing us with her big baby bows and denim bloomers, and thanks to our sweet church family, she's definitely the best dressed Bailey these days. 

We're extremely thankful that our girl has decided to fuss during the day. Her first two nights at home were your typical up all nighters, but since then, she sleeps best at night for two to four hours at a time. When she wakes up she eats for a good while but goes back to sleep without a fuss. We try really hard to remember how well she does at night when she's putting up a fight during the day.

All of her siblings have shown their love for her in their own way. Ephraim loves to be right up in her face whenever I'm feeding her. He kisses her forehead continually and loves to give her a good burp! Felicity plays her song, "Zina", multiple times a day,  is a pro at the bouncy seat bounce and is really good at talking to her. Moriah is in awe of her and will pet her soft skin and comment on how tiny and creamy she is. It's so sweet.
Last of all,  she just wouldn't be a Bailey kid if she didn't have a million nicknames and jingles of her own. So far we have Z-cakes, the Mad Lady, Z-Z, "Tell me somethin' good Z", "Dream a little dream of Z", "Hey Z-Cakes, I got my Z-cakes" and "Watcha talk about Z, watcha' talk about Z?"

Zina Kate, we're really glad God decided to give us you, and we hope you'll come to like us too. :)

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