Saturday, May 10, 2014

My Mom

We just said goodbye to my mom after just over a week with her in our new home. In some ways I still can't believe she was really here. I know this journey our little family is on is not a journey of our own but one that reaches into the lives and hearts of others. Perhaps most of all, the heart of my mom yet somehow she finds the strength to encourage us through it all. Thank you, mom, for loving us so well. You are a gift. Happy Mother's Day to my amazing Mom who is so patient, kind, gentle, adventurous and encouraging. No matter where I am in the world, you are always right with me because love sticks. It impacts and bears fruit beyond any amount of space in between. 
That being said, it is still so much better when we are together...

Thank you for having the courage to make the trip. We will forever cherish the memories we made and hold on to them until we see you face to face again. We love you and miss you always...


  1. What a sweet, sweet post!!! I trust you guys had a lovely time together - hope she didn't get sick during her visit. And did her suitcases make it? I hope so. LOVE YOU!

    1. No sickness...and she got her suitcase the very next day! Humdullah!!! We had so much fun, but I still can't believe it really happened... LOVE YOU TOO!

  2. Having your mom visit so close to Mother's Day must have been a real treat - such great memories. Love and miss all of you.

    1. It was so wonderful, Chris...still pinching myself to believe it really happened! Love and miss you too!

  3. there is no better gift when you live elsewhere than to have mom come for a visit! And for her own ability to visualize you in your life. grateful with you and smiling because it brings you such joy and support!

  4. I will be seeing your mom next weekend and I can't wait to hear all about your time together. I'm so happy you both got to spend this time together and I'm so blessed to be able to call you my sister-in-law. We love you!

  5. What a beautiful shout out to your mom. I am so glad she was able to visit you all. What a blessing it must have been. We received the package you sent with her. Thanks! It smells wonderful.
