But there are also so many fun, funny, sweet things about Felicity these days...
Imagination: Did you know Felicity has a purple house in America and Malta? Her friend "Doby" lives there and so does her "other family". Her other mommy is PINK. What can I say, there's really no competing with that. :)
Another favorite is quoting this verse when we're having a talk and she's in trouble: "Obey your parents in the Lord for this is 'tomato' (right)."
She also noticed her shadow recently and continues to crack up at it. Melt my heart.
Imitation: She's starting to become a little source of reflection for her parents. The one that really showed what a great person I am was when I overheard Felicity struggling with something and saying, "God please help! Help! What's wrong with me. Please help!"Aye, yi, yi...
Becoming Girly: "Poe Nolish" and lipstick are her first obsessions...as well as candy. She is desperate for them. Highlighter and crayons have been used as substitute, and we definitely found her with a trail of nail polish from the bathroom to her room and PINK all over herself.
Favorite color: PINK. What kind of ice cream do you want, "Pink"!
The Girl's got Skills: JUMPING...her feet don't really leave the ground yet, but it's a big step considering she wasn't even walking a year ago. ;) MAGIC TRICK: falling forward on our bed, "Mommy, watch my magic trick!"

Family living room picnic with chicken nuggets from Geant, lots of ketchup and mayo, blankies, and Fliss' current favorite flick: 101 Dalmations.
Quoting a movie: "Wretched pen, blast this wretched, wretched pen!" -Cruella Devil.
Building forts/tents :)
Fear: We saw an orange floating man at Piazza Navona. She was so terrified we had to leave, and she continued to fixate on him for some time. Needless to say we said lots of prayers for the orange floating man. She also now knows how to sing "When I am afraid, I will trust in you."
World Traveler: She threw two dinar coins into Trevi fountain. I guess she's going back to Rome twice! At the end of our visa trip she did not want to leave, she pretended to be going to Rome for at least a month while simultaneously pondering the orange floating man.
Favorite Foods: Berries! It's strawberry season, and Felicity cannot get enough. So much so that she earned the nickname "fraisa" from my Arabic teacher which is strawberry in our language here.
When all is said and done, life with a two-and-a-half-year-old is challenging for sure, but it's definitely worth it...especially in the sweet times when we all feel like this:
So happy for you all! You are a beautiful family!