Monday, May 7, 2012

Our Felicity: 6 Months

Happy Half Birthday Baby Girl! Six months ago we didn't have chewed up Birthday and playing cards, baby roars, gummy smiles, a toy around every corner, an automatic alarm clock, the words Woozle, Doozle, or Sasscratchewan in our vocabulary...We had no idea what was coming, and we never could have imagined this cute, funny but serious, lovely little Miss Fliss. She is truly the girl of our dreams, and we still find ourselves in disbelief that she's actually ours.
This month Felicity has definitely shown she has a mind of her own. She is ReAcHiNg for everything but mostly the one thing in front of her that she's not supposed to have! Funny how she seems to gravitate for anything but her toys. Her absolute favorite things to reach for right now are anything paper, tupperware, cell phones and Mommy.
The first time she reached for me it had been one of those days where nothing seemed to please the little darling. That night when Dan was changing her diaper she was crying so I went back to help. She arched her little back on the changing table and reached back with both hands coming right at me. Her sad little face and whimpers melted my heart. I will never forget it. I've never experienced anything quite like it, and it definitely ranks high on the top moments of my life. Seriously.
She is getting SO big. With April came Felicity's first time in the church nursery (you know it's bad when you go to get your baby and they're being paced outside the nursery...not crying, but pacing no less ;) KUDOS to the dedicated, loving nursery workers at BC ), first attempts at sitting up on her own, consistent sleep at night, full blown giggling, the return of her voice (instead of just moaning :) my favorite is Aye, yi, yi, yi, yi!), stranger danger and way less fussy time in the evening (woo-hoo).

April Anecdotes:

  • Felicity took her first trip to her Great Grandpa Wayne and Grandma Betty's. Everyone likes to roast me because I have a history of sleeping A LOT when I go there. I guess I've just always found it to be peaceful. In fact, this time my cousin said, "Hey this is the longest I've ever seen you awake at Grandma's." Ha, ha! Oh how having a baby changes everything :) You can only imagine how pleased I was to find that Felicity had the best sleep of her little life at Grandma's. More than once I had to check if she was breathing. I guess she's just following in her mother's footsteps...or there's something in the water there!
  • Paper Monster! This girl loves anything paper or paper producty. She practically chewed off the bunny ears on her first Easter card from Grandma Kathy. It was also the catalyst for her first FiT. The girl seriously cried when we took it away and stopped when we gave it back. Dan has lost a good portion of a deck of cards, and I find myself tearing off corners of every piece of paper in her presence to keep her from paper cuts. It would seem she delights in the sound, texture, and even taste of paper. One friend suggested she might be trying to tell us she needs more fiber in her diet as Felicity bit off a big chunk of the church bulletin. ;) 
  •  Blow Out! This month Fliss set the record for her biggest on record yet. We were visiting Grandma Val, Grandpa Darrel, and other Baileys. I was holding her and all of a sudden I could tell something was going on if you know what I mean. I looked at her Uncle Ben and said, "I think she's making something special. I'll wait a few minutes to make sure she doesn't want to make it extra special." Oh man did she ever make it extra special. When I went to change her, I found that she was covered and so was I. Grandma Val took her onesie to the toilet to try to flush off the damage. She was showing me how it's done when WOOSH the onesie went straight down the toilet! As you can imagine we were dying with laughter!


  1. O how I love this post :)I made me smile so much

  2. Just discovered this blog about Felicity, so of course, I must read every one of them! This makes me LAUGH all over again and reminds me to POST those hilarious pictures I took of the two of you after her "explosion"!!! (In this family, we seem to have a never-ending stream of special events---so many photo-ops I can hardly keep up with them.) Felicity is so unique---an ORIGINAL, all the way! <3
