Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Our Felicity: 5 Months

5 months old and already wearing 6 months clothes. This. is. InSaNe. Everybody says it, but it's so true: They grow up so fast...

The word of month five seems to be AdVenTuRe. Felicity took her first day trip to Chicago. Aunt Ju-Ju and her cousins were in town so we hopped the Metra and ventured in. Everyone told me her schedule might get a little off but not to worry, "She'll pass out in the stroller when she gets tired."

Does this look like a girl who passes out in her stroller because she's too tired?:

Enter the minds of our family:

How come all of the other babies in strollers are sleeping?
- Father of the FRB

Oh no, this is going to be a long night!
-Mother of the FRB

I will not surrender! Must. See. EvErYtHiNg.
-The FRB

The girl was awake for 11.5 hrs. with the exception of a 20 minute cat nap! Needless to say we had a rough night and next few days, but Felicity certainly made the most of her first trip to the BiG CiTy. To her credit, she was a happy baby, and she looked super cute in her little romper :) Love those little legs, and yay for the warmest March on record!

Felicity also took her first airplane ride. It was just Felicity and the mommy so you can imagine the fear and trepidation I had going into this venture. We were supposed to fly directly to Texas but got rerouted with a three hour layover in Florida?!?
What could have been a nightmare turned out to be not so bad. She slept through take-off and landing for both flights and was pleasant the whole time...she didn't sleep a wink other than 10 minutes going up and coming down, but at least she wasn't crabby. The same pretty much goes for the rest of our trip...sleep was lacking, but she was generally in a good mood :) Her herd of girl cousins loved her. They read her stories and played with her tons. Of course she had some quality cuddle time with Papa Jim, Grandma Thresa, and Grandma Johnson too.

At the end of the month we celebrated Dan's birthday. Felicity wore her I heart Daddy outfit and thoroughly enjoyed sitting with Daddy while he opened his cards. We've never had cards with chewed corners before. So. Cute.

This months new tricks include:
  • Playing! It's so cute to hear toy noises from the other room when she wakes up.
  • Utter disdain for bath time...switched from infant tub to Bumbo in the big tub. Smart.
  • Moaning. Not a fan. Looking into baby sign language for a better way of communication :)
  • Chew, chew, chewing! On her fingers, my fingers, her gums, her tongue...
  • Scrath, scratch, scratching! She loves to scratch everything!
  • She's two feet tall and nearly 14 pounds.

1 comment:

  1. aww! what an adventurous tyke- sounds like she is a lot of fun right now. and quite adorable as well :)
