Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Week Eight

It's difficult to even know where to begin. We've been waiting and praying for this for 13 months, and now that it's here, it's hard to believe it's true. I guess with each passing day of feeling nauseous and exhausted the reality sets in a bit deeper, but to think that God is knitting together an eternal soul within me is completely mind boggling!

Today marks eight weeks and three days. The days are long, but the time is flying by so quickly. Most days I find myself wanting to nothing but sleep, and my phone alarm clock has become my new best friend. So far my only craving has been french toast with strawberries and powdered sugar. I woke up one Saturday morning and had to have it!

Some days I feel like a little pooch is beginning to show, but it seems to come and go...must be bloating. I keep telling myself not to worry about the scale, but it is going up more quickly than I imagined. I'm totally not taking the "I'm eating for two" mentality, but I find that eating every three to four hours is a must to manage the tummy aches.

At this point, the next big step is finalizing our doctor/midwife options. We're praying for clarity and confidence in our choice. So many things to consider...yet, I still find myself asking, "Is this for real?"

Top Ten of the first Eight Weeks

1. Dan's expression walking out of the bathroom with the test.

2. Baby's first dance party at Nita and Adrian's wedding.

3. Sharing the JOY with friends and family.

4. Dan's nightly talks to the baby always beginning or ending with, "This is the Daddy".

5. Popsicles and crackers in bed.

6. Praying for our baby as he or she develops.

7. Baby's first gifts from Grandma Kathy and the Murray's

8. First doctor's appointment and picture of our peanut.

9. 3 Saturdays in a row of Bailey family drama.
(Julie and Alex's wedding, Baby Benji, We're Pregnant!)

10. Gratitude for God's perfect timing.

Eight Weeks...Let the belly documentation begin!

1 comment:

  1. YES! Baby's first dance at Widjaja wedding HAHA :) I'm going to tell him/her that sometime in the future.

    Love this awesome journey you're having, my friend, please keep writing - I love to read what you're going through being a pregnant lady.

    "Dan's nightly talks to the baby always beginning or ending with, "This is the Daddy"." - LOVE IT! We are so happy for you both!
