Saturday, February 6, 2010

M to the A double T

Dear Ratty Tatt-Tat MatT,

I'm a bit behind in posting this, but I wanted to give you a ShOuT-OuT on (or rather, in close proximity) to your BiRthdaY...So without further ado, here's a list of some of the things I love so dearly about YoU...

#1 One of my earliest memories of you is making forts on your bunk bed in the LitTle house...SoMeOnE else (I won't mention any names) wouldn't let me on his bunk, but you were so kind to humor me...Thank you for allowing me this privilege...I'm so glad to have some memories with you in this place to overshadow the TrAuMa I often endured having WaLtnEr the crazy cat walk all over my face in the middle of the night!

#2 How could I not have the highest admiration for one who produced this BuNdlE of crazy, cute ridiculousness...
...and this one...

...not to mention this one...

I'm so grateful to have such darling nieces :)

#3 I love that there are very few people in the world that can ApPrEciAte the hilarity found in the following sequence of pictures as much as you will...

#4 You look really FlY when you ice skate...

... I'm just waiting for you to bust out with a triple axle, sow-cow, double toe loop with a twist ;)

#5 It's quite possible you have no recollection of this, but when I was in eighth grade, you gave me a heart to heart about BoYs. We were sitting on the steps of our PiNk house in Florida. What you said stuck with me. Thank you for speaking so HoNeStLy to me that night. I truly believe your words helped protect me from a lot of potential heart ache. I really appreciate that.

#6 You help make my DrEaMs a ReAliTy. Case in point: The ShiGgY ShuFfLe...

This moment of FaMiLy FuN would not have been possible without your MiX. I look forward to the Re-MiX when we meet again.

#7 Thank you for bringing the secret to a natural, brilliant smile in every photograph to our family....Inhale....Aaaaaand, SmILe...

Works every time!

#8 When I'm with you, I feel free to be me...sounds CheEsY but it's true. Believe me, not everyone would allow me to perform my BrItTnEy routine in the middle of a car wash parking lot with no shame! It's so good to be loved even when I'm actin' the fool...

#9 To this day, I still remember with great fondness sitting at home watching PoIsOn music videos with you and a plate of CheEsE, ChErRiEs and BrAuNsChweigEr while Chris was at the real concert. You will never know how unbelievably cool I thought you were for this moment, and I'm still trying to figure out how in the world you ever got me to enjoy braunschweiger?!

And finally #10: I love ya just for being my brother...I'm so grateful that you have added these memories and many more to my life. There's not a single person that could take your place. Happy Birthday...a bit late, but as Grandma J says, "Better late than never." Love you Matthew!

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