Tuesday, August 11, 2009


For nearly twenty-seven years of my life I have managed to be allergy free. However, those years of BLiSs are now over, and I am confronted almost daily with ItChY eyes, StuFfy/RuNnY nose, and of course, ACHOO, many, many SnEeZeS.

So many sneezes, AcHoO, that I wake up in the middle of the night sneezing without end...so many sneezes, AcHoO, that my upstairs neighbor says she hears me sneezing all morning...So many sneezes, AcHoO, that one day after one of my attacks, Dan declared, "That's it I'm making you an appointment. You're going to the AlLeRgiSt!"

My sneezing was making him CrAzY...or maybe he was really tired of seeing me look like this(WaRnInG, this is ReAlLy BaD):

I mean, ReAlLy, it's pretty bad when you're sneezing so much you actually capture it with your camera!

At any rate, I went to the allergist with great HoPe of a cure as each little NeEdLe pricked my back and arms, but the result was devastating:

Doctor: You are allergic to CaTs and DoGs.

Me: I don't have any cats or dogs.

Doctor: Well then, it might be the WeAtHeR. We've had an usually cool summer. I'm afraid you'll have to just wait it out with some nose spray...none of the usual allergy medicines usually work with your condition.

My thoughts: What?! You've got to be kidding me!

And let me tell you people, as I sit here now with my roll of toilet paper, watery eyes and stuffy/runny nose, AcHoO, I am DuMbFoUnDeD and ever so aware of my HuMaNiTy, AcHoO, with each and every sneeze and blow of the nose.

And though I'm always grateful for the reminder of my human state and my need to DePeNd on my CrEaToR, I'm hoping He'll decide just as my husband did, AcHoO!, that He's tired of hearing my sneezing.

The End...AcHoO!


1 comment:

  1. oh no! i hope you start to feel better soon! i hope it's not blogging you're allergic to! :)
