Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Can't Sleep...

The end of the school year is here and what a surprise, I cannot SleEp. There are so many things that run through my MiNd this time of year. There's the normal StUfF that seems to plague me most when things at work get HeCtiC, and there's the EnD of the year StUfF that must be held in a delicate balance...you can't do too much too soon because school isn't over, but you can't wait until the last hour because you want to be OuT the door AsaP. I keep saying I need to make a BiG FaT list and just go at it...if nothing else maybe it will just help to get it all out there...

  • Start and finish AvErAginG grades.
  • HoUnD those notorious ones who still have MiSsInG WoRk
  • Make a LiSt of all of the BrIlLiaNt ideas I've had throughout the course of the year. The conversation in my mind usually sounds like this, "Well that was a BiG, FaT FloP...next year I'll do this instead". I have to write them down to avoid repeating said FloPs.
  • Do DiShEs...we have no clean SiLvErwArE...YiKeS!
  • Make AwArDs for the FiFth GrAdE Spelling Bee, Track Meet, Brainiacs, and Art Show.
  • Write a LeTteR to my kids' parents thanking them for sharing their TeRrIfiC kids with me this year.
  • OrGaNiZe my files so teaching the same grade level next year will be to my GreAtEsT benefit.
  • Somehow get my kids from the 1920s to the end of WWII in 10.5 days...without them DeSpiSinG me for it!
  • Figure out an end of the year GiFt for my kids and MaKe it.
  • R.S.V.P. for the EnD of the YeAr PaRtY...do I want ChIcKeN or PorK?
  • Sit down with Dan to plan our AnNiVeRsArY.
  • Somehow figure out where we can have a GaRdEn without getting EleCtrIcUteD upon digging.
  • Write NoTeS to my kids.
  • Make those DoCtoR appointments I've been putting off for a few years now...Seriously another summer cannot pass without me taking care of some silly things.
  • Make a SliDeShOw so all of the pictures I take throughout the year can be put to good use.
  • EnJoY my last few days with them in the midst of the ChAoS...SaVoR how truly DeLiGhtfuL my group of 27 is this year.
  • Try to SlEeP so I can end the year a KiNd and PaTieNt teacher, wife, friend, and person.

With that, I'm done for now...Just thinking about all of it is making me TiReD :) Who knows maybe I should have been doing the above mentioned things instead of just writing about them, but it's too LaTe for that...I'm off to BeD!

1 comment:

  1. wow, that sounds scarily enough like work. no wonder it's been keeping you up. but, it sounds like you enjoy it, maybe just a little :).

    if it's like anything else, you will somehow manage to get it all done in time. our anniversary is coming up too, first year! once planting is over, we'll have a better idea about how to plan for it.

    it just really is a crazy time of the year! but, now you've got your list written out for you so one less thing to do :)
