Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ten for the Ben Man

Today BrOtHeR dearest you are 20 years old so as a loving sister, I've taken it upon myself to honor you on this glorious day, your BiRthDaY. It's hard for me to believe that you are all grown up and 20...not that I'm too much older than you or anything ;)

Without further ado, I pause to ponder you and how grateful I am to call you my BroTheR on this day and EvErY day. Here's to you BeN MaN...

A) On most days I pride myself on being one of the best multi-taskers EvEr, but I can NeVeR deny that there is OnE more skilled than myself...

*BTW I still LoVe you even though you risk my life and yours every time I'm in the car with you...(note: he's also blaring Kanye and talking to Dan and me)

2.) The fact that you listened to me ask, "Am I fat?" for years (when I was under 100 pounds), and you still claim me as your sister is AsToUnDinG. Thanks for listening to me bro...even in my less deserving moments.

* See, you're still right beside me even though I probably asked you if I was fat shortly before and/or after this picture was taken :)

c.) You're AtTrAcTiVe, and I'm not just saying that because we share bLoOd ;) I have a picture of you in my living room, and people who come over will ask who that guy is, and I say, "Oh that's my brother" and then they always make a comment about your HanDsOmE appearance. Though I know you can't take full credit for this one, it's nice having an attractive BrothEr.

*See what I mean? Here you are with dad...I think you must get your good looks from him :)

4.) You LoVe JuStiCe and FiGhT for it. I think this picture sequence says it all:

* You stand your ground even when it seems no one is on your side ;)

5.) Your DrIvE and AmBitIoN InSpiRe me. i.e. I was working for you at your golf course business when you were like four, you're over half-way through earning your degree in business at no cost, you have your own business, and you're only 20, etc.

F.) Your DJ skills RocK my world. Seriously. You always have the BeSt repertoire at your fingertips. Whether we're at a wedding or in the car, I know I'm in store for a kIlLeR dance PaRtYwhen I'm in your presence.

7.) Though I'm sure you find me RidiCulOuS most of the time, you are not above HuMoRiNg a sister i.e. letting me have dance parties, dressing up like Peter Pan (you started young), making ridiculous videos, pictures in photo booths, etc...

* I convince myself you truly love moments like this though your face may not show it.

H.) TeChNoLoGy does not InTimIdaTe you, and I love that. I don't always embark on technological endeavors because they do intimidate me, but if/when I do/did I know I can count on you to answer any question. You're really SmArT.

*BTW I need to know how to hook up/use my scanner. Both of the old school pics above are on here because I took a picture of them with my camera (they were NOT scanned)!

9.) You are an AcTivE and VaLuAbLe contributor to our FaMiLY. Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Supplying entertainment like FaRkLe at family gatherings

  • Giving the siblings are reason to make LaTe NiGhT AdVeNtuReS to places like Walgreens and various neighbor's front yards

  • Adding DeTaiLs like creating real ballots for the chili cook off and a picture slide show for Chris and Christine's wedding

  • Providing your fashion expertise and thereby preventing us from committing major FasHioN disasters in our recent family portrait

10.) You are YOU. I'm glad you were born. I love you for things we have in CoMmOn, and I love you for ways we are DiFfErEnT. Your life challenges me to think, learn, and grow more. I love you brother. Thank YoU BeN MaN for living 20 great years. I wish you many more! Happy Birthday!

Love your adoring sis,



  1. Katie, that was so sweet. And...if Ben is turned twenty, that means Patrick and I are about to have our 20th anniversary. Ben was just a tiny, tiny baby at the wedding (I can't believe your dad and Thresa made that trip with a newborn) and you and Becky were so cute in your pink dresses. Time really does fly.

  2. Shew...should really proof read. I should have said, "if Ben has turned 20" or "if Ben is twenty". You know what I meant, right?

  3. Ha, ha! I know what you mean...Wow! Twenty years for you and Uncle Patrick! That's amazing! I think you should do a blog post on 20 years with him...I'm sure it would prove to be inspiring and entertatining at the same time ;)Time certainly does fly! I remember those pink dresses with fondness...
