We used to say Zee-zee was "the mix", but this month she has transitioned to being "in the mix." She's responding to her siblings with big smiles, gasps of delight and bobbing up and down. She loves to get a response from them too. Her first "look at me moment" as the baby of the family happened around the dinner table. She figured out how to blow raspberries, and when the three bigs exploded with laughter she continued to oblige with the biggest grin and twinkle in her eyes between her sweet raspberries.
Zina continues to be in a holding pattern as far as gross motor movement goes. She's still sitting up strong but going nowhere fast! We've enforced tummy time more regularly much to her dismay, but by the end of the month she was pushing her upper body up and rolling much more.
Our girl loves table food especially chicken and has a great fine motor pincher for eating all the puffs. She also bounces up and down whenever music plays. Her whole being lights up when Daddy plays and sings at the piano.
She has officially said Da-da but continues to "say" Ma-Ma by a general disgruntled whine, cry when I pass her off to someone else and reaching out for me. Zina's wide, open-mouthed kisses on the cheek are also reserved for Mommy alone!
Zina still has no teeth, but her hair is coming in, and her bald spot is gone. Her sleep training has officially begun because we're all going crazy without it, but she's still the Queen of the twenty minute nap! Bless her heart, she just doesn't want to miss out!
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