Sunday, September 2, 2018

Our Little Wonder: 3.5

Our second born is 3.5, and I think we've finally decided she's not a baby anymore...

It's funny how the things we marveled at when she was brand new are still true today. She was all over us then and is all over us whenever we allow it now. Big hugs and climbing on her people are two of her favorite things. She loves her people. One time we asked her and her sister if they were best friends. Moriah answered immediately with a whole-hearted, most enthusiastic YES. She loves chasing and tickling her baby brother, and I love when she says "Mommy, I love my WHOLE family". Our little wonder loves big. 

Moriah spends hours playing with baby dolls and has gotten her sister to love them all over again and her little brother to join in too. She is proving to be quite the trend setter around here. The household favorite baby was named by Moriah. Her full name is Baby Merlissa Jessi Allisey Rachel Princess. 

When it's suddenly quiet, you'll find our girl dressing baby dolls, playing make believe with them,  packing multiple bags for vacation, or building and creating stories with lego pieces. Moriah is quite content in the space of her imagination and often enjoys playing solo for extended periods of time. She also changes her clothes more than any other person on the planet. Her fashion choices are creative and fun and usually involve making a huge mess. She loves making a statement by tying clothing in unconventional ways to create a new look ;) 

Moriah has a strong social side as well. She is finally an AWANA cubby and loves going to "school" at church. She's always asking if we have MOPS, and she even invited a new friend to MOPS while playing at the rec center one day.  

The many faces and dance moves of Moriah continue to amaze. She has a real serious kind of edgy persona that comes out. We're not quite sure where this comes from, but it's quite entertaining. She loves Lauren Daigle's song "Oh Lord" and refers to it as "stand my ground". Toby Mac remains high on the list as well. 

Nap time has now become rest time because Moriah was staying up until 11 p..m. or later talking to herself and all of the stuffed animals she could fit in her bed. It's a wonder she even fits in her bed most nights. We have come up to find piles of animals and books surrounding her. Sometimes she has them all covered up in a very calculated way. We've even found situations like this in the hallway outside of her room. Her creativity and crazy come together to make some pretty hilarious scenarios and has us wondering quite often what is going on in that mind of hers.

 Moriah is without a doubt uniquely made, and we're so honored to call her ours.

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