Saturday, February 4, 2017

The Little Prince: One Month

Our Little Prince is one month old and not so little after all. Weighing in at just over 9 lbs. at birth, this guy gained just over a pound by his visit to the doctor at two weeks. It's the first time we haven't been scolded for our babies' weight progress in North Africa! The doctor was actually giggling at how big and handsome he was in and out of his little onesie with the bow tie...even after he sprayed her which was a first for him. What can we say? He makes an impression.
As usual, Daddy has already given him a ridiculous nickname/jingle that I objected to at first but embrace whole heartedly now. 
"Bubba' Slugga' he's a looka'!"

Ephraim is our sleepiest baby yet. We didn't see much of him awake during the first two weeks except for a small amount of time every night when the girls had gone to bed. He would spend a few minutes just gazing at his Mommy, and we both agreed that the Mutual Admirations Society is a wonderful thing...