Friday, October 2, 2015

Our Little Wonder: 7 months

Moriah Ann is a Go-Getter with a strong little personality for sure. If she wants something she lets us know by stiffening her little arms, pumping them and grunting until she gets it. Usually what she wants is MOMMY (she's got it bad) or FOOD... but mostly Mommy. Pounding her hand on the table is also a favorite tactic. 
The girl has got grip. She grabs arms and necks with some intense strength!
She's also a rollie pollie girl...reaching and turning every which way on her back and tummy. She can even do a bit of a backwards crawl. 
Moriah talks on her own terms, AKA not when I'm trying to video her. Ba, Ma, Ga, ahhhh....
Water is her favorite. She squirms her way out of the Bumbo into the tub and loves splashing around. Having whole cups of water dumped on her head by Felicity doesn't even phase her a bit. 
There's no hiding anything from this one. Even when we put something behind her, she doesn't forget that it's there and continues to reach and grab until we move it completely out of reach or give in and let her have it. The look behind the shoulder is classic Mo-Mo. 
Moriah continues to be an expert eater. This month we pretty much started letting her eat anything that qualifies as "real food", not sweets, because she seems to want to eat any and everything! Her first tooth came in on the day that she would not stop eating the lamb at our friend's house. She chewed and chewed, refusing the cous cous and the veggies, and sure enough her first little tooth popped up that very night (bottom left, Oct. 1).
She continues to struggle with fussy time the two hours before bed, but it also proves the easiest time to get her to laugh. Felicity had her cracking up for the first time multiple times in a row as she declared "No monkeys in the stroller!" while I was trying to keep the girl calm by walking her around outside. 
Our family has had a lot of transition this month, and for most of it Moriah has been sleeping in a pack-n-play, in a house that's not our own, in a room with a bunch of someone else's storage.We went back to our home where she was born for a few nights, and she slept straight through each and every one without a peep so you see it's clearly not her fault that she doesn't regularly sleep through the night in the in-between that has been our existence these days!
I'm so thankful we have this sweet, strong girl to keep us smiling in this crazy life. Moriah Ann, we are smitten with you our little Go-Getter Girl. 


  1. Precious baby girl. Wish so much I could stop in for a visit and see you all. As much as I'm missing seeing her grow up, I'm sure it's 10X worse for her grandparents!

  2. She's the sweetest of them all - love you Mo-Mo!
