Monday, February 23, 2015

Birth Plan

We use the word plan rather loosely these days in all areas of life. The words patience and flexibility are much more reliable on our little edge of the world...
We are planning on having baby Moriah right here in our seaside town. She will likely be the first American to make her entrance here, and we are earnestly hoping her debut will come with much less labor time than her sister's 36 hours. 
We are thankful for our doctor, an older, grandfather type who seems to always have a twinkle in his eye and for our friend Cheryl, a nurse who has delivered many a baby in her time, speaks fluent Arabic and French and has so graciously been with us through doctors appointments and has agreed to be right beside us at the birth. 
We will deliver in a private clinic that has two delivery rooms. They are quite clean and appear to have the necessary equipment for the task, but we are hoping to spend little time there as they do not have luxuries such as a bathroom...
This Saturday our original due date (Feb. 21st) went by and so we wait.
We don't know exactly when she will come, but we are eagerly anticipating Moriah Ann: seen by Yahweh, full of grace.

We trust in the One who is full of grace. He sees us, and His plan is more than enough. 


  1. PRAYING!!! We love you four so very much! <3 Mom Val

    1. Thank you, Mom Val!!! He is so good to us. Thank you for loving us so well through your prayers.
