Thursday, February 13, 2014

Fluent Fliss

Today Felicity's teachers sent us this...
We are so proud of our little Arabic speaker. Keep up the good work Fliss so at least one of us in this family will really know this language :)
Ok, ok...maybe two...
And a shout out to all of our teachers...we could not be learning this crazy language without you! You are Tie-ar-ra!


  1. Maybe 4 or 5 what! (Mumkin aaraba...) We miss y'all! So joyful for you, and that Fliss has some blond hair! WOW! YEAH! Those voice lessons in the conservatory really pay off. Your teacher thought it'd be for opera and you use it in arabic. LoveLiveLove

  2. It was so fun to see the video of Fliss with her teachers. I can't figure out if they are learning the word for duck, plastic duck, the color of the duck or the number of ducks....but it was so fun! Way to go Fliss! And the video of Dan, nice accent. I am impressed. As for you Katie, I know you will also speak Arabic in time. Be patient and persistent. You will get it, I know you will. Remember we all learn differently, in different manners and timing. I am proud of all three of you! And as always it is good to see your faces.
