Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Ten Ways You Know You're Not in "Kansas" Anymore

10. At least 2 times per night you awake to what you think might be your screaming toddler but realize it's the stray cats fighting again.

9.  You get emotional, to the point of tearing up, when the U.S. customer service agent wishes you  "Happy Holidays".

8. Finding dental floss on your monthly run to the BIG store is a HUGE deal. Humdullah!

7. Your students have been known to give you bites of their cake, kisses and make-overs.

6. When you walk past the pet shop you live above, your toddler asks, "That's my peacock?"

5. Most people assume you are French and continue to speak to you en francais even after you tell them you don't speak it.

4. January is amazing because you finally have a dryer. Warm towel? Yes, please.

3. If someone came to your front door selling a Chipotle barbacoa burrito for 100 dinar, you wouldn't hesitate to pay up.

2. You're still confused at how anyone manages to string Christmas lights (and make them look good) whey they are in a circle and have a white cord.

1. "There's no place like home"is much more complex than three clicks of the heels. Missing home, making this place home, and looking forward to our true home. always.


  1. As if stringing Christmas lights wasn't hard enough!! You guys all look fantastic - thanks for sharing all the pictures and amusing stories!

  2. Warm towels are always a win, Right? Love y'all!

  3. Love to see these pics, thank you for posting! Fliss' face looking at the cats on the first photo... so intense! We miss y'all! (side note: your hair is getting REALLY long!!! :))

  4. Love you Dee and Nita! She's still an intense one, that girl. We miss you too...
