Wednesday, October 2, 2013


How is it that no matter where we are in the world we always end up friends with Asians who have visiting mothers and mother-in-laws who know how to make the best food in the world?...Here are a few photos from our first team dinner. So grateful for the yummy food and our family here... 

Don't worry mom and don't have to cook if you visit! And just in case you were wondering, we aren't always match-matchy...just making a promo video for our English classes that started this week.


  1. Katie and Dan, so happy you made it safely. Love you both!

  2. so exciting! glad you have a good support system over there. your little family is so cute! felicity reminds me of one of my nieces, blonde hair and dark eyes :-)

  3. The food looks quite yummy! Glad to know you are eating well in your new land. Thanks for sharing the pictures, it is fun to see your other team members and friends. How did the promo video turn out? With Dan in it I am sure it turned out as a success!
