Sunday, September 30, 2012

Our Felicity: 11 months

Wha-sat? Can you tell which polka-dot does not belong? ...

 This month our girl has taken her curious side to a whole new level. She now points at everything wanting to show mommy and daddy. She particularly loves pointing out flying birds, airplanes and the box elder bugs that have overtaken our house...yuk! One of two things accompanies this gesture:

1. hmm (high pitched like a little puppy)

2. Wha-sat?!

Daddy gets all of the credit for what we have determined is Fliss' first word (s): "wha-sat?!" He has been known to take her around the house or outside, point to things and say, "What's that" in a quick, whispered voice. After hearing "wha-sat" several times from this girl as she points, we've officially deemed it her first word(s).
Curiosity has finally met movement. Not in the form of crawling as one might expect but in scooting. Fliss uses her kicking legs to drag her little booty across the floor. She can cover some good territory...enough to give her her first of many battle wounds (the polka-dot mentioned above) from a tumble down the carpeted stairs. Time to put up the baby gate!
Though she's still a little petite thing, Felicity has really started to devour real food. She loves cheese and tortillas, dried cranberries, cantaloupe, scrambled eggs, and greek yogurt. She tore into some watermelon at mommy's thirtieth birthday party, ate apple farm apples like nobody's business and found the dinner rolls in our kitchen cart. I turned around to find her with bread in both fists and her mouth. Funny baby.
One last funny from this month is a new trick she does in the morning. Dan gets her up, changes her, and then brings her to our room. We try to keep her there for as long as possible, and though she refuses to snuggle, she certainly keeps us laughing. She has discovered that she can fling herself backwards and land in the safety of the big fluffy comforter. She laughs, and we each take one of her little hands to lift her up to do it again and again...of course we don't mind if it means a few more minutes under the covers!
It's hard to believe that in one month this five-toothed wonder of ours will be ONE! I just can't comprehend it...

1 comment:

  1. so sweet!! sounds like a fun girl. we too have box elder bugs. still. but not as many as in the beginning of october, it was sort of creepy. i had to laugh at that part of the post :)
