Saturday, June 30, 2012

Our Felicity: 8 months

Felicity's eighth month has been full of FuN. We are truly enjoying life with our little wonder.

One of the biggest changes this month was the introduction of solid foods. So far Felicity prefers carrots, nanners, yogurt drops and her FeEt! One of my favorite moments of the month happened while I was holding Fliss and eating an apple. She turned her little head and started gumming the apple! For a brief week or two she also started sucking on my cheek to tell me she was hungry. So sweet.

Daddy and Fliss have developed quite the relationship. He loves to build towers with her blocks, and she loves to knock them down. I am amazed at how quiet the two of them can be as they play in her nursery while having so much fun. Dan also loves holding Fliss upside down, letting her feel like a big girl with the sippy cup, and dressing her up in polk-dot pajamas so he can call her the BaBy CloWn. They also celebrated Dan's first Father's Day. Fliss gave him pictures of herself to put in his office. She refused to smile but followed through with some classic faces. Dan's best gift was a tower of his favorite candies. For now, he can eat them all, but I suspect he will be sharing in the near future. We also went to Daddy's favorite Chinese restaurant with our friend Syed. It was a special day honoring the best daddy a girl could ever dream of!

She still has no hair to speak of and no teeth. Kicking her feet while sitting up and lying down is Fliss' specialty. There's no evidence that she will crawl soon, but she FINALLY rolled from her back to stomach toward the end of the month. She only did it once, and of course she hated landing on her tummy. Somehow she discovered shaking her head "no", but she has no idea what it means. She thinks it's the greatest thing, and the look on her face is priceless as she does it. See picture directly to the right...

Also new to this month are the sounds da, da, da,  a few buh, buhs and whispered ta-tas. We have finally discovered that Felicity will take a bath if we go in with her. Dan even put on his trunks and joined her once! She also laughs hysterically when daddy holds her upside down and covers her with kisses and when mommy moves her in the air like a pendulum saying, "Tick-tock Whoozle, Tick-tock!"

Felicity had lots of fun with our kind friends the Stephens while Dan and I went out for our anniversary dinner. Of course we talked about her the majority of the time and even enjoyed the videos they sent us of our girl having fun watching their dog while we were away. Yes, we are those in love.
Grandma Kathy came for a quick visit on her way home from St. Louis to Kansas's funny, we've never been on the way before ;) It was nice to have grandma's air conditioned car for a few days. Grandma was absolutely appalled at our air conditioning system for Fliss: throw an ice pack in the car seat with the girl. My mom even had a dream that Felicity's fingers were frost bit and fell off!

Finally, this month saw Fliss' first vacation. We traveled one hour to Woodstock, IL. So adventurous we are! Here are a few of the highlights:
  • Felicity looking back at us from her carseat...just making sure we were still around.
  • She actually slept the whole first night but had a very hard time the second night. Vacations are certainly redefined!
  • First pool adventure :)
  • She watched every single person who came in and out of the first restaurant we ate at...this observant little lady doesn't miss a thing!
This might be the last month of a gummy smile...

The drooling has begun...

And Surprise! The girl still despises tummy time...

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