Saturday, August 27, 2011

31 weeks and the quintessence of pregnant...

It all started at the beginning of week 31 when I declared to our friends that the Moose Tracks ice cream in our freezer was FrOsT BiT and they might want to try another option. From then on it seems this week has been a series of events that confirm that we are at the height of this journey called pregnancy...impulse buys, less brains, more body, and many, many laughs!

Next came my first nesting purchase: the ExTenDaSauRuS:

This is the type of thing my husband usually brings home, and I roll my eyes and laugh,
but there was no stopping me when I saw this baby. I just couldn't help myself. Goodbye unreachable dust, cobwebs, etc.

This week also marked the first week of school. I have to say going to school with my sweet baby girl makes it so much more fun.
Thinking I had more than enough room to scooch by this poor boy in my class, I definitely underestimated my GiRtH. Before I knew it my belly was crashing into this poor boy. Of course all of the kids watching were giggling, and the whole class burst into laughter while I declared to said embarrassed fifth grader, "You've just been BeLliEd!"

Us on the first day of school.

Then there was the day I was grocery shopping at Caputo's and the chocolate covered CaNnoLiS just happened to be screaming at me from the bakery case. Needless to say I was done for:

Perhaps the most exemplary moment occurred at our dinner out at Chick-fil-A. Of course I was ravenous, but for some reason I couldn't seem to bring myself to get anything but those itsy, bitsy chicken nuggets. They're just too good to pass up so naturally when my dear husband left to go get a cup of water and Chick-fil-A sauce, I snuck a significant BiTe of his spicy chicken sandwich. Lucky for me my dear husband is often in some sort of dream land and suspected nothing when he returned. I thought I was in the clear until the end of our meal when this dear, sweet lady approached our table:

Dear, sweet lady: When are you due? You're just too cute.

Me: Aww, thanks. October 21st.

Dear, sweet lady: Yah, my husband and I were just sitting over there cracking up when he left, and you took a big bite of his sandwhich. I said to my husband, "Oh NO she DiDn"T"!

Dan: (very confused, not connecting the dots as to what dear, sweet lady is talking about)

Me: (cracking up at this point because clearly I've been caught)

Dan: (look of shock realizing the crime committed against him.)

Dear, sweet lady to Dan: Now you be nice to her and give her whatever she wants!

I still can't believe I got BuSteD. Unbelievable. Hysterical.

Basically Dan summed it up well when on the last day of week 31 he nonchalantly confessed, "I keep expecting the non-pregnant version of you to show up."

Thanks babe. I think it's going to be awhile until she returns. In fact, it's hard for me to believe she really ever existed. I guess we'll just have to keep laughing at the preggo version until the non-pregnant one decides to make a come back. : )


  1. that is SO hilarious!

    "OH NO SHE DIDN'T!!!!"

  2. soooo funny. what a cute little mama you are!

    and i love the look of that extendasaurus- i need that and i'm NOT pregnant! :) haha.

  3. Oh, my! Clearly I'm behind reading blog posts. I don't know how I've missed this. I laughed until I cried and then I laughed again when I read it to Patrick. You two are just too cute! Love you!
