Monday, December 8, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

This one definitely goes down in the books for being unforgettable...

With the help of a neighbor, Dan and Jimmy helped catch and pluck our birds:

TWENTY of our FAVORITE people came from the North to join us for the weekend...

 After hours of being barefoot and pregnant in the shame, only joy:

...we pulled off a legit Thanksgiving meal in the middle of nowhere North Africa: 

My friend Anna is so pretty you can't tell she was in the kitchen for hours too :)

... And this meal would not have been possible without our fearless kitchen leader, CHERYL, her sidekick, Kali, and our friends from America who brought us things like cranberry, crunchy onions, sweet potatoes, decorations etc., etc.,...Thank you!!! Yum, Yum! We love you!

We may have even started a new tradition: Passing the turkey leg around the table so everyone can have a bite?...

Dan and friends led us in giving thanks to God for all of his good and perfect gifts: 

...And to top it off a desert excursion opportunity was included... well as a surprise diaper shower...really so surprised...thank you, friends!...

 ...and the birthday celebration of one sweet little girl: 

 As always the Baileys left Thanksgiving stuffed to the brim...full of yummy food and the love of good friends and family and grateful to God for it all.