Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Our Felicity: 9 Months

For nine months we have not had to set an alarm clock. She always goes off in the six-o-clock hour. Every. Day. Without. Fail. We are grateful and tired.
Her gummy smile is gone, and her two bottom teeth have arrived. The first one came mid month without much havoc, just a few extra snuggles. The second one came in with a bang, keeping us up in the night while visiting KC.
Felicity's first fourth of July celebration included her first mid-west "hurricane" at the end of Interdependence Day. Luckily we were able to make a run for the church van and wait it out. We also spent the afternoon at the Fernandez's. No fireworks for this girl as she seems to be winding down around 7 p.m. these days, and since her internal wake time does not change EVER, we decided to sleep instead.

Curiosity is on the rise this month. I'm amazed at what this girl notices. If she hears a car outside or Daddy making a noise in the next room, she does this:
She has also begun pulling herself up in the stroller and car seat. When we walk around the lake she always grabs the tray of her stroller and leans forward to check out any dogs passing by. She'll even turn her head to follow them as they pass. The days of bringing her inside a place in her car seat are ending. We were never so amazed when we were out eating and she pulled herself up in the car seat to see what was going on at the table. I can't imagine what will ensue when this curiosity meets movement...for now she just continues to sit and observe EVERYTHING. We think she is a THINKER for sure ;)
This month Fliss started eating Cheerios and Clementines among other things, but these are her absolute favorites. Thanks to Miss Melissa she even started picking them up one by one to feed herself. It is super cute...especially when her little teeth make the Cheerio go CruNcH :)

 I simply cannot end this post without mentioning that this little lady has become a source of inspiration. This month her daddy wrote a beautiful, melancholy yet mysteriously joyful song for her. She and her cousin Lyla also inspired cousin Benji to go Latin Lover on us, showering the little girls with kisses! Felicity was not into it, but Lyla didn't seem to mind. And finally, she has inspired her parents to new levels of undignified expressions of LoVe. Dan likes to play on Felicity's level so he will often take her toys, put them in his mouth, shake his head back and forth, make noises like she does etc. It was quite hilarious when he happened to be doing this when a server came up to take our order. No shame, just love. In the middle of Caputo's one day I found myself spinning her round and round, singing along with Frank Sinatra as she giggled and giggled. I was so caught up in the sweetness that only later did I realize that other people were in the store. No self consciousness. Just Felicity.