Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Christmas Tour

Dear Grandma,

I took these photos for you. Dad said you would like to see some decorations...Plus, they are one of my favorite parts of Christmas at dad's house. Always so BeAutIfuL...

For anyone who is not my grandma, I hope you enjoy too.

This is my favorite tree with the top hat :)

Here is Molly sitting in her chair. She's really not supposed to be there, but she just fits so well I couldn't bear to reprimand her...

The dining room...

The living room or family room (I never know which name is correct) and Isabelle...

The family room/living room...I love the chair legs. So fun. :)

And the game room/extra sleeping space when the house is full (hence the mattress)...

One of my favorites, but it doesn't stand a chance of being in anything but a state of complete ChAoS. You can imagine why...

And that's all I've got. Hope you enjoyed the tour Grandma (and anyone else who made it this far).
